Almaden Homes For Sale
Almaden is an affluent neighborhood on the southern edge of San Jose near the Sierra Azul Preserve. Known for high property values, Almaden Valley real estate offers an array of luxury properties. Almaden Valley homes for sale often have thousands of square feet of living space, as well as outdoor amenities like pools, gardens, and expansive driveways. The neighborhood is located near Google‘s corporate village and mixed-use campus in Downtown San Jose. The 80-acre development will feature apartments, shops, offices, and parks. Some of the finest schools in the city, including Graystone Elementary School, Bret Harte Middle School, and Leland and Pioneer High Schools can be found in Almaden. Bordered by the Santa Teresa Hills to the east and the Santa Cruz Mountains to the west, the neighborhood offers plenty of opportunities for hiking, running, cycling, and horseback riding. Almaden provides access to nature trails, lakes, green spaces, and Wine Country. If you’re looking for the perfect home in Almaden, contact the Stephanie Martin Group at 408.828.6880 or message their agents here.Sorry we are experiencing system issues. Please try again.